Monday, July 4, 2011

Malpractice Medical Gastric Bypass Laparoscopic Surgery 1 Medical Malpractice and Patient Education Company Patient ED @ 617-379-1582 INFO Your doctor has recommended that you undergo laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery. But what exactly does that mean? Gastric Bypass is a surgical procedure used to help a patient lose weight. It is usually recommended to help those who are morbidly obese - meaning that their weight problem has become a serious health risk. Medical Malpractice Most severely overweight patients overeat. Food enters the body through the mouth, travels down the esophagus where it collects in the stomach. From there, digested food passes into the small intestine. Nutrients taken from the food pass from the small intestine into the bloodstream. Medical Malpractice Waste travels to the colon and leaves the body through the anus. The amount of food that a person eats is partly controlled by appetite. The stomach plays an important role in controlling appetite. When the stomach is empty, a person feels the urge to eat. When the stomach is full, that urge goes away. Medical Malpractice Gastric bypass dramatically reduces the size of the stomach. Gastric Bypass also shortens the small intestine so that the body absorbs less of the food eaten. With less food entering the body, fat stores begin to be used. The patient loses weight. So make sure that you ask your doctor to carefully explain the reasons behind this recommendation. Medical Malpractice and Patient Education Company

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